Services for Parents
Parent Coordination allows parents who are separating, separated or divorced to work together to discuss concerns, parenting plans, specific issues related to parenting and their children’s best interests. Often parents each believe that their opinion and stance on an issue is the only right way for their children, especially when conflicts and emotions are heightened around litigation, separation and divorce. This level of emotion and conflict can lead to stalemates and ongoing contention around each decision in their children’s lives.
My process with parents allows for the safe and structured discussion of concerns, options, the impacts of those options on children, and facilitating agreement with both parents around what will work best for the children. Ideally the process with me will help shape and guide future conversations and dynamics between parents as they face parenting decisions and challenges throughout the lives of their children.
It can be extremely challenging to work collaboratively with an ex-partner, especially in the midst of the pain and conflict of separation, divorce and ongoing litigation. Particularly in high-conflict divorces, the conflict itself can sometimes take a life of its own. The issues around parenting and the children can get lost in the emotions of the adults. When parents trigger each other, it can be difficult to disengage from old patterns of communicating (or lack of communicating) and feeling the need to defend, protect oneself and regain power. In individual co-parent coaching, I work with parents to help determine how and when to collaborate, how to avoid furthering unnecessary conflict, and how to disengage from the cycle of attempting to regain power and control in co-parenting communications.
Navigating through the ups and downs of a high-conflict divorce is emotionally draining and exhausting for everyone involved. My counseling work with parents provides support and guidance within a safe space; allowing a parent to process the whirlwind of emotions and to manage the triggered reactions that come with ongoing high-conflict divorce/co-parenting relationships.